Memorial Pages & QR Codes

At such a sensitive time, we understand the importance of preserving the legacy of your loved one and keeping their memories alive.

That's why we are excited to introduce an innovative and meaningful way to honour the departed: QR codes for family memorials.

Dynamic QR codes, short for Quick Response codes, are two-dimensional barcodes that can be scanned with a smartphone or a QR code reader.
They have become increasingly popular due to their versatility & ease of use.


Our experienced technicians provide personalised design solutions that turn your dreams into reality.


Our services prioritise function and form to create products that stand the test of time.

Memorial Bench Plaques

Our services take into consideration your lifestyle and preferences to create spaces that are both beautiful and functional.


We work collaboratively with our clients throughout the whole process to ensure their vision is realized in the final product, no matter where the QR code ends up being placed.

Undertakers Package

We work with our clients throughout the whole process to ensure their customers are getting the very best using today's technology.

Serving HM Forces & Veterans

Our services take into consideration your working background & the adventures or experiences you have had for generations to see.

How dynamic QR Codes can be a great asset for you & your future generations...

Digital Memorials: In today's digital age, creating a digital memorial is a beautiful way to celebrate the life of your loved one. With a QR code, you can link to a dedicated online memorial page, where family & friends can come together to share stories, photos, & memories. This digital space allows everyone to contribute & commemorate the life of the departed, regardless of their physical location.

Access to Additional Information: QR codes can be placed on physical memorial items such as gravestones, memorial plaques, or funeral programs. When scanned, these codes can provide instant access to additional information about the deceased, including biographies, video tributes, & even virtual tours of their favourite places. It allows families to go beyond the constraints of traditional memorials, providing a more comprehensive & immersive experience.

Real-Time Updates: Planning a memorial service involves coordination & communication among family members & friends. QR codes can streamline this process by linking to event details, RSVP forms, & any updates or changes in the schedule. It ensures that all attendees stay informed & connected, reducing the stress associated with organizing such events.

Personalised Keepsakes: QR codes can be incorporated into personalised keepsakes like memorial cards, bookmarks, or even jewellery. These special mementoes can carry the essence of your loved one & serve as a touching reminder of their presence in your life. Family members can scan the QR code whenever they need a comforting connection to their cherished memories.

At QR Living Memories, we strive to embrace technology to offer thoughtful & compassionate solutions for families arranging memorials. The introduction of Dynamic QR codes is just one of the ways we aim to enhance the memorial experience and provide a lasting tribute to your loved ones. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your family's journey through grief is filled with love, understanding, & personalised touches that celebrate the life lived.